Hello there and welcome to my corner of the internet! The world of technology is exciting I can’t wait to share that with you guys. I am currently an MIS student that is excited to have the opportunity to study the ever-changing cyber security and threats. Together we will navigate through the tech space, uncovering insights, and unraveling the mysteries of cyber defense.

I’ll be using this blog to catalog not only my triumphs but valuable lessons learned from making mistakes. This field can demand a lot of time and attention because technology is ever-changing. Hopefully, through open discussions, we will be able to strengthen our knowledge and fortify our digital fortress.

Join me as we charge into this incredible landscape of cybersecurity, where every challenge is an opportunity to learn. Let’s connect, engage, and together, make a difference in the ever-evolving tech landscape.
Thank you for joining me on this journey-I can’t go on this adventure with you all!